Home Terms and Conditions

Terms And Conditions Of Use


1.The use of our website is subject to these terms and conditions.

1.1. You agree to these terms and conditions in full by using our website; as a result, you may not use our website if you disagree with any of these terms and conditions.

1.2. We shall specifically request your agreement to these terms and conditions if you [register on our website, upload any content, or use any of our services].

1.3. You guarantee and indicate to us that you are at least [18] years of age by using our website or accepting these terms and conditions. You must be at least [18] years old to use our website.

1.4. Cookies are used on our website; by using it or accepting these terms and conditions, you allow us to use cookies in compliance with our privacy policies.

2. Permission to Utilize Website

2.1. You can:

(a) Use a web browser to see pages from our website;

(b) Save pages from our website to your computer's cache;

(c) Make copies of our website's pages;

(d) Use our website's audio and video streaming feature; and

(e) Utilize a web browser to access our website services, in accordance with the other terms and conditions stated above.

2.2. If the item is not yours or you do not possess the appropriate rights in it, you may not:

(a) Replicate content from our website, even if it is posted elsewhere;

(b) Display any content from our website in a public setting;

(c) Use content from our website for profit-making; or

(d) Share content from our website with others.

2.3. We retain the right, at our sole discretion, to restrict access to parts of our website or even the entire website; you agree not to evade, circumvent, or try to evade any access restriction measures on our website.

3. Acceptable Use

3.1. What you can't do is

(a) Utilize our website in any manner or engage in any activity that could harm it or affect its functionality, accessibility, or availability;

(b) Make any unlawful, illegal, fraudulent, or harmful use of our website, or use it in conjunction with any unlawful, illegal, fraudulent, or harmful conduct;

(c) Make use of our website to copy, store, host, send, transmit, utilize, publish, or distribute any content that contains (or is connected to) any harmful computer software, Trojan horse, worm, spyware, rootkit, or Trojan horse;

(d) Gather information in a methodical or automatic manner on or in relation to our website without our prior written authorization, including but not limited to data mining, scraping, extraction, and harvesting;

(e) Use any robot, spider, or other automated method to access or otherwise interact with our website, unless it is for [search engine indexing];

(f) Disregard the instructions found in our website's robots.txt file; or

(g) Make any direct marketing use of the information gathered from our website (including, but not limited to, direct mailing, telemarketing, SMS marketing, and email marketing).

3.2. You are not permitted to contact people, businesses, or other entities using the information we gather from our website.

3.3. You are required to make sure that any of the data you give us via our website or in connection with it is [true, accurate, current, complete, and not misleading].

4. Signing Up and Creating Accounts

4.1. By filling out and submitting the account registration form on our website and clicking the verification link in the email that the website will send you, you can create an account with us.

4.2. You are not permitted to grant anybody else access to the website using your account.

4.3. If you become aware of any unauthorized use of your account, you must notify us right away in writing.

4.4. You are not permitted to access the website using another person's account, unless you have that person's express consent.

5. User Login Information

5.1. Upon creating an account on our website, [you will be required to select] [a user ID and password] OR [we will supply you with].

5.2. Neither your account nor your user ID may be used to impersonate someone else, nor may they be used in any way that could be interpreted as misleading.

5.3. You have to maintain the privacy of your password.

5.4. In the event that you become aware of any password disclosure, you shall promptly notify us in writing.

5.5. If you fail to keep your password secure, you are accountable for any activity on our website and may be held liable for any losses resulting from that failure.

6. Account Cancellation and Suspension

6.1. We may:

(a) Put your account on hold;

(b) Delete your account; alternatively

(c) Modify your account information whenever we see fit, at our sole discretion, and without prior warning.

6.2. Through our website, you can terminate your account.

7. Your Content: License

7.1. As used in these terms and conditions, "your content" refers to [all works and materials that you submit to us or our website for processing, publication, or transmission via our website, including without limitation text, graphics, images, audio material, video material, audio-visual material, scripts, software, and files].

7.2. You give us permission to [use, reproduce, store, adapt, publish, translate, and distribute your content in any media now in use or later developed] OR [reproduce, store, and publish your content on and in relation to this website and any successor website]. This is a worldwide, irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty-free licence. OR [reproduce, store, and publish your content on and in relation to this website with your express authorization].

7.3. To the extent allowed by law, you hereby waive all moral rights in your material, and you guarantee and represent that you have released any other moral rights in your content to the greatest extent allowed by law.

7.4. You can use the editing tools on our website to make any necessary changes to your text.

7.5.We may remove, unpublish or alter any or all of your content, without affecting our other rights under these terms and conditions, if you violate any of its provisions in any way or if we have a good faith belief that you have done so.

8. Your Content: Guidelines

8.1. You guarantee and declare that the information you provide will abide by these terms and conditions.

8.2. No one's legal rights may be violated, your content cannot be illegal or unlawful, and it cannot give rise to a lawsuit against any individual (in each case, in any jurisdiction and under any applicable law).

8.3. . Neither your content nor our use of it in compliance with these terms and conditions may:

(a) be intentionally false or libellous;

(b) be inappropriate or obscene;

(c) violate any intellectual property rights, including copyright, moral rights, database rights, trade mark rights, design rights, and rights to pass off;

(d) violate any right pertaining to confidentiality, privacy, or data protection laws;

(e) include any careless statements or negligent recommendations;

(f) constitute a call to action for criminal behavior, instructions for committing a crime, or encouragement of criminal activity;

(g) violate any court order or be in contempt of any court;

(h) laws against discrimination or hatred based on race or religion;

(i) act blasphemously;

(j) violate laws pertaining to government secrets;

(k) violate any contractual duty owed to any individual;

(l) [show violence in a clear, graphic, or unnecessary way];

(m) [be sexually explicit, provocative, obscene, or pornographic];

(n) [be false, erroneous, imprecise, or deceptive];

(o) [consist of or contain any advice, instructions, or other material that may be followed and could result in any kind of loss or damage, disease, injury, or death];

(p) [represent spam];

(q) [be rude, dishonest, scammy, abusive, threatening, harassing, antisocial, ominous, hateful, discriminating, or inflaming]; or

(r) [causing any person to experience irritation, discomfort, or needless distress].

9. Restricted Guarantees

9.1. We neither promise nor affirm:

(a) the correctness or comprehensiveness of the data posted on our website;

(b) the information on the website is current; or

(c) that the website or any of its services will continue to be accessible.

9.2. Without limiting the scope of these terms and conditions, we reserve the right to discontinue or modify any or all of our website services as well as to cease publishing our website at any time, with or without prior notice or explanation. In the event that we do any of these things, you will not be entitled to any compensation or other payment.

9.3. We disclaim any claims and guarantees with regard to the subject matter of these terms and conditions, our website, and the use of our website, to the fullest extent permissible by applicable law.

10. Violations of These Conditions

10.1. In addition to our other rights under these terms and conditions, the following actions are possible if you violate these terms and conditions in any way, or if we have a good faith belief that you have done so:

(a) issue one or more formal cautions to you;

(b) momentarily halt your usage of our website;

(c) forbid you from using our website going forward;

(d) [prevent machines that use your IP address to visit our website];

(e) [get in touch with any or all of your ISPs and ask them to prevent you from accessing our website];

(f) file a lawsuit against you, alleging contract violations or other offenses; and/or

(g) [Cancel or suspend your online account].

10.2. You agree not to take any action to get around our suspension, prohibition, or blocking of your access to our website, or any portion of it (including, but not limited to, [making and/or utilizing a different account])].

11. Variation

11.1. From time to time, we may make changes to these terms and conditions.

11.2. You agree to renounce any right you may otherwise have to be informed of or to consent to revisions of these terms and conditions, and the amended terms and conditions will be applicable to your use of our website as of the date they are published on the website.] OR [If we make any changes to these terms and conditions, we will notify you in writing. The updated terms and conditions will take effect when you use our website as of the date we notify you of the adjustment; if you disagree, you must cease using our website.

11.3. If you have explicitly agreed to these terms and conditions, we will ask for your consent to any revisions. If you do not provide your explicit consent to the revised terms and conditions within the time frame we may specify, we will disable or delete your website account and you will be required to cease using the website.

12. Task

12.1. By accepting these terms and conditions, you agree that we may assign, transfer, subcontract, or otherwise deal with our rights and/or obligations.

12.2. You may not assign, transfer, subcontract, or otherwise deal with any of your rights and/or obligations under these terms and conditions without our prior written agreement.

13. Severability

13.1. The remaining terms and conditions shall remain in force in the event that any court or other competent authority rules that any part of these terms and conditions is illegal or unenforceable.

13.2. Any illegal and/or unenforceable provision of these terms and conditions that, if part of it were removed, would still be legal and enforceable, that portion would be considered removed, and the remaining portion will remain in force.

14. Rights of Third Parties

14.1. A contract made in accordance with these terms and conditions is made for the benefit of both of us and of you; it is not meant to benefit or be enforceable against any other party.

14.2. No third party's approval is required for the parties to exercise their rights under a contract under these terms and conditions.

15. Complete Agreement

15.1. These terms and conditions, along with our privacy statement, will serve as the complete agreement between you and us regarding your use of our website. Any prior agreements between you and us regarding your use of our website will be superseded.

16. Jurisdiction And Law

16.1. Indian law shall apply to the interpretation and enforcement of these terms and conditions.

16.2. The courts of [India] shall have [exclusive] OR [non-exclusive] jurisdiction over any issues pertaining to these terms and conditions.

17. Our Details

17.1. Academy Nature is the owner and operator of this website.

17.2. Our main office is located at

17.3 You can reach us at:

(a) (a) [by mail, at the above-mentioned postal address];

(b) [using the contact form on our website];

(c) the phone at [the number that is periodically posted on our website];

(d) contact@academynature.org via email of the following terms and conditions

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